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Saving the Earth for the future is something we must all try to do in our own ways. And while your kids may be too young to truly contribute towards this cause, it’s important to remember that certain habits and skills are best learned in their childhood. Here are a few such skills and habits that will not only help them save mother Earth in their own small way, but also help them to become responsible adults.

Everything You Put On Your Plate Should End Up In Your Stomach

Food waste should be a big no-no for your family. Instead of lecturing them about the importance of avoiding waste, try to make it a simple habit to finish whatever they serve on their plate; a rule of the house. Teach them the importance of listening to their stomach by encouraging them to pause between dishes. One other way to teach children responsibility towards food is to travel with them to less fortunate parts of the world.

Make Saving Electricity A Habit

Like washing your hands after using the toilet, saving electricity too should come naturally for your children. Give them the responsibility of turning off any switch they may turn on. Once this habit is formed, you’ll find them naturally being aware of saving electricity. With older children, this habit may be a little tougher to drum in. Consider giving them a “penalty” if they waste electricity; like limiting their TV/laptop time or taking away their phone’s charger for the day. This will definitely make them a little more aware of electricity waste.

Living A Minimalistic Life Makes Things Easier

This is something you’ll have to show them by example. Living a minimalistic life will definitely help to avoid wastage of materials and space; so avoid over buying or hoarding things. Have a limited number of clothing that you use well and discard once you’re done with; instead of having a closetful of clothes that you rarely wear. Be responsible about how you discard your unwanted clothing as well; donating it to the needy whenever possible.

Organic Clothing, Swapping And Hand-Me-Downs Should Be Part Of The Norm

As much as buying new clothes is the norm in your family, consider making wearing hand-me-downs, swapping clothes and shopping at second-hand shops the norm as well. Of course, you must always consider only the hygienic means and sources for this. Whenever possible, it’s also a great idea to opt for sustainable and organic clothing. Clothing made out of organic cotton, for example, is made out of cotton free of pesticides and chemicals¾causing the least damage to nature while being made.

Cooking Your Own Food Makes It Easier To Avoid Unnecessary Wastage

Thanks to how hectic our lives tend to be, most of us have developed a bad habit of eating out and ordering in for almost all our meals. As a result, there’s a lot of food getting wasted; and money overspent. Teach your children culinary skills so that they may not only save and be more responsible towards food, but also be more aware of what it is that they eat.

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As a homeowner, the biggest investment you’ll ever make is your very own house. As such, it’s not all about making sure your interior is impeccable, you need to have a great exterior too if you want the value of your property to be maintained over the years. Your home’s exterior is often exposed to the roughest of environmental conditions and thus, if you don’t act fast and maintain it regularly, it will be the victim of regular wear and tear.

Gutter Blocks

Unfortunately, leaves, twigs, dust, and other surface debris have a way of accumulating in gutters and this eventually leads to blockages. This means that there is often a water buildup as they can’t be drained off the roof and eventually this moisture will seep into the fissures of your home, leading to serious problems in your interior. To avoid this, make sure you clean your gutters out regularly.


Usually when you consider the setup of your garden, you need to leave a considerable distance between the vegetation (especially the trees) and the house. Why? In rough weather, say windy conditions, trees could easily scrape against your house’s exterior, causing damage. If the garden has already been set up before your arrival, then you’ll have to trim any surrounding bushes and trees that are too close to the house.


This isn’t just for aesthetic reasons. It includes the process of rendering- applying an external covering to protect the bricks or blocks that make up your wall. After rendering, there’s usually a wall coating of paint to protect the service from erosion. So, if your walls have clearly been suffering from some erosion, then it’s time to look into home rendering Melbourne and have your walls repainted after the service is done.

Power Wash

Using the right equipment, your home can really benefit from at least 2 power washes a year. A power wash can help blast all the surface grime and dirt away from your home and have it restored to its former glory. While this is often more of a DIY project, if you’re looking into it for the first time, it’s best to get some professional advice so you don’t practice any damaging techniques.


If you don’t take the time to inspect your house regularly, you’ll find out about most of these problems once it’s too late. Catch the signs early, invest in restoring them and you’ll find yourself saving a lot of time and money in the process. Some warning signs to watch out for are rotting wood, cracked paint, mold, loose siding etc. Make sure to schedule time for at least one inspection per season and you’ll find yourself on top of house maintenance.

These are the best ways you can keep an eye out and be on top of regularly exterior issues your home might face. A little wear and tear are to be expected when your home is constantly exposed to rough conditions but you need to keep a beady eye out so the conditions don’t worsen.

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In the lift of the things that you need to do before you put your house up for sale, preparing the house for sale or choosing the right real estate agent are some of the important points that you cannot forget. This is because you need to make sure the house is sold fast to a reasonable amount and also want to make a good impression on the potential buyers. Take a look at the tips below to see how to prepare your house for sale.

Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent

Selling a house can be quite a stressful task. Therefore, the help of a good, experienced real estate agent is needed to take off some of the responsibility off your shoulders. When you are looking for an agent make sure to check on their past work records, the kind of marketing techniques they use, how familiar they are with the changes in the market etc. You can narrow your search by getting recommendations from friends or family who has already has experiences with selling homes or try doing a little research for agents online.

Improve the ‘Kerb appeal’ of the House

The first impression anyone would get about the house is by looking at the front of the house. Therefore, it is important that you make sure you are giving a good first impression to those who will come for house inspection. This includes taking care of the exterior of the house. Pay a little attention to the fences or the walls outside; do they need any repairing or a new coat of paint? How clean is your garden? Are there piles of trash that you need to take out? Did you forget to clean up the garden decoration? These little details will be what determines the first impression buyers will get when they visit the house so ensure the exterior looks cleaned, fresh and decluttered. Once inside take out the family photographs or any personalized decorating items that are on display. Let the buyers enjoy imagining living in the house without being obstructed by your presence.

Check the Little Things

Think of the hinges that you will be paying attention to, if you are the one to buy a house. The plumbing system, the operation of the taps, the electricity, doors and windows, countertops and surfaces, walls – are some of the little detailing that you should give attention to when repairing. Are there any leaking taps you need to repair immediately? Any doors or windows that needs their hinges replaced? Are the countertops clean and free of dust? Do the walls have cracks in them? Little things like these can cause the house to lose its value. If you see thinking on taking on the reparations by yourself then stop, hammer time carpentry is one of the companies who can help you with the renovations. Especially for bigger scale renovation projects that certainly is complicated for one person to take on.

Once these steps are complete, all you need to do is get some flattering photographs of the house and wait for your agent to do the magic. Always remember the trick to ensure you can sell the house to a better price is ensuring the good quality of the place and giving the potential buyers a good first impression.

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